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UT Screenshot Convertor 2004
Created by Willems Davy
What is it?
In short an automatic screenshot convertor for unreal tournament 2004. The convertor runs in the system tray (lower right corner of the screen) and it detects when ut2004 is running. After ut2004 is closed down the program will convert the bitmaps to JPG and move them optionaly to another directory. All this is done in the background so u won't notice a thing. And it doesn't interfere with the game since it only does any work when ut 2004 is closed down!

How does it work
When you first run the program it will ask u to fill in the options. Choose the unreal tournament's 2004 directory and choose an optionally folder where u want the screenshots to be saved (in case u don't want them in the default folder anymore). The timer check value is something wich u can leave on the normal value of 250, it is used to check if the game is running or not! Choose the action what needs to be done after ut is closed down and your done. Press the X button to let the program run in the system tray, only then is it active and it will show a Blue U icon. If u had chosen not to do anything it will show a blue U icon with a red cross over it Meaning it's not active. Run ut2004 take screenshots and the program will convert them after u closed it down. It will show a purple U icon while its converting! Right click the tray icon to show the menu of actions or left click it to bring up the options window. While converting this menu isn't availible nor will u be albe to call the options dialog! To close the program right click the tray icon (when options screens is closed down a tray icon will be made visible) and choose exit! Please note, you don't have to fill in the screenshot directory if u aren't going to let your pictures move to another directory than the one UT 2004 uses. Convert is enough then.

What's new from the ut2003 version
Due to the introducing of a new screenshot saving system and a filename mask in ut2004, the convertor now no longer using it's own counting system for the converted images,for the simple reason that it isn't needed anymore. UT2004 keeps track of the screenshot number so that shot numbers wil always continue, even when the bitmaps are deleted. This means that the converted jpeg image filename will be exactly as it was before except for the jpeg extension of course.
Fixed a small bug in the systemtray icon code, nothing really noticeable.
Made a check so u can only run one instance of the program at a time.
New Icons, tried to make em look like ut2004 ones almost succeeded ;)
upx compressed binary (smaller size)

Other info
IF it is the first time you run the program, and you got a lot of screenshots in
your screenshot folder it wil take a while before all files are converted, this is normal ! Next time it won't take so long.

Do not play with the shotcount property in ut2004. If u reset it ut2004 and thus
also this convertor, it will overwrite images if they existed before. This version for ut2004 keeps the same filenames as ut2004 made except for the extension of course.

If U enter an invalid ut2004 directory or screenshot directory and the option
you choose needs those directory's, and u choose to close down the app instead of respecifing a valid directory, the program will reset the start up minimized option so you can respecify valid directory's next time it starts!

The program doesn't affect Unreal tournament 2004 gameplay What so ever it runs completely outside of the game. It won't take any longer to create a screenshot since the screenshots are only converted / moved AFTER Unreal Tournament 2004 is closed Down!

There is an option to compress the jpg images, for those that don't know 0% compression gives u the best image quality but the filesize is also bigger (still 10 times smaller as bmp) if u choose 100% compression image quality is the worst but filesize is very very small! I've set a default value of 25%, its a good value since u can't notice the visual quality is lower. Feel free to experiment with it.

If u have any problems, feel free to mail using the contact page or post your problem on the forums.